Find relief…feel better.

Wayfinder: A way to live your desired life.

virtual therapy in Texas and In-person Walk & Talk in Clear lake Area of Houston

for Teens & adults

Se Habla Español

You’re someone that has always appeared to have it all together… whether at work, home, school, or with friends. However, internally, you are struggling, overwhelmed and at times feel lost. My clients often struggle like you do. Despite being goal-oriented, dedicated, hard working, functioning well most of the time; living your life is hard. You long for a life with more meaning, more purpose, more peace.

You know something needs to change…you’re just not sure what.

Does it feel like no matter what it’s never quite enough?

“When you want something, all the universe conspires to help you achieve it.”

-The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho

Are you struggling with feeling stuck in your current life circumstances? Are you feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, misunderstood, even lonely? You see yourself isolated from others due to the pressure; the fear of failing others or yourself. You’ve realized your life is not what you thought it would be.

Fear can overshadow courage, and pain or numbness can block our ability to feel joy. I can help identify and remove the mental/emotional weight, so you can feel relief and get back on track to living your life fully.

Therapy can offer relief and clarity to transform our challenges into goals and appreciate a more present life. You’re here, you’re ready to at least try something different.

I provide virtual therapy for convenient support, or we can walk outdoors, utilizing nature. Together, we’ll address pain and remove obstacles, helping you walk away confidently and ready to live freely.

Hey. I’m Irma.

The core of my approach to therapy is connection.

Clients tell me that they find it easy to connect with me. They feel heard and understood. They feel like they can express themselves without judgement.

After connection, it’s my curiosity that stands out. I work strategically to learn about my clients and their concerns. Together we begin to create a “map” to address the issues, work through them and gain both relief and confidence. My empathetic and direct approach work well to help you gain results you can feel.


Overthinkers & High achievers

An overthinker is someone who tends to analyze situations, decisions, or problems excessively, often to the point where it becomes counterproductive.

A high achiever is someone who consistently sets and meets ambitious goals, often excelling in their personal or professional life. But sometimes they can become hyper focused and lose sight of the present moment.


Life Transitions Big & Small

graduation, attending college, higher education

Career, starting, ending, changing

Family planning, or changes to family

Relationship status change

Grief and loss


and other life changes


Accelerated Resolution Therapy

Is this too good to be true? It really does work! A.R.T. is a more direct and structured method than traditional talk therapy. According to Laney Rosenzweig, founder of Accelerated Resolution Therapy, A.R.T. focuses on action rather than lengthy discussions. This means you don't have to discuss the details of your trauma or issue; A.R.T. will still be effective.


Nature Informed Therapy

Nature can help us heal. Recall a moment spent outdoors, feeling calm and at peace, even if just for a short while. Many studies show how nature can promote healing. Consider times when a tough day was eased by taking a walk. Adding a conversation with a trusted person can further help you process your thoughts and feelings. Welcome to Nature Informed Therapy.


Please know this:

The power to create is already inside of you.

Ready to get started?

Your life is waiting for you.