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Life Transitions

Big & Small

Virtual Therapy in Texas and In-Person Walk & Talk, Clear lake Area (Houston,Tx)

“I don’t know who I want to be.”

“I’m not sure if i can be a good partner, parent, or on my own.”

“I don’t think I can get through this. it’s too hard. ”

Sound familiar?

I see you.

We go through many changes and transitions through-out life. From our first time in Elementary education to graduation and choosing our adult paths. We also deal with unexpected changes, such as moving, career change, illness or some of the most difficult; the loss of a loved one. There are times we are overwhelmed by these changes and feel stuck or lost. Reach out, I will reach back and help you find your way again.


Past experiences

Our past experiences often play a role in how we handle current situations in our lives. However they are not all the same.

It is important to identify the similarities and differences, so that you can more clearly navigate through the current changes in your life.


The root cause

Whether it is something completely new that is happening or a pattern that continues to occur. Bringing awareness to what maybe causing the distress helps to have a better understanding on how to navigate the situation.

Awareness of your thoughts and feelings and saying out loud in therapy, helps go along way towards healing and growing.


What matters to you

Ultimately, where do you want to be in your life? What do you want it to look like? What was your personal original dream versus the expectations of others?

Together we will explore what really matters to you at your core and realign your life’s journey to help you feel more whole and present in your life and in your relationships.

I’m here to help with:

  • career decisions

  • Goal setting

  • Self-esteem

  • Identity

  • grief & loss

  • Dating

  • feeling stuck

  • Relationship status change

If you’re ready to…


Honor what you feel


Get up and do something different


Explore and use your strengths and your talents


Create a life you are living fully and purposefully

…then let’s get to work.

because, At the end of the day:

Planting seeds and CREATING growth can change everything.

  • The truth is that change and transitions in life can be many things. Many modalities can be used to help through these challenges. Call and ask to schedule a free 15 min consultation to see if this is right for you.

  • What modalities do I use for life transitions? I am trained and experienced in a variety of modalities. Mostly I work with what fits my clients best, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, Solution Focused, and others. You may also be a good candidate for Accelerated Resolution therapy that helps to process stuck thoughts and feelings much quicker.

  • Call or email to set up a 15 min consultation. We can discuss if this is a right fit for you and schedule an appointment.

frequently asked questions