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Accelerated Resolution Therapy

Specialized, trauma-informed therapy

You’ve tried some things to feel better, but nothing’s really worked, Completely.

And maybe you’ve even tried therapy in the past, but you are not quite sure if it was helpful. So how is Accelerated Resolution Therapy different and how does it work? In Accelerated Resolution Therapy, we say “Keep the Knowledge, Lose the Pain.” This means there is a path out of suffering and you don’t have to stay stuck in life’s most challenging moments.

You’re still struggling with:

Transitions and phase of life stressors, such as getting ready for higher education, new career endeavors, changes in family unit and others.

Noticing the impacts of painful experiences whether it is something from years ago or more recent. ART can help.

Feeling triggered and become frozen unable to move forward. “It” is beginning to impact your daily life? ART can help change the perception.

A.R.T can help you face your fear.

A.R.T. is a specialized approach to psychotherapy. ART is unique because the ART Therapist guides the client to replace the negative images in the mind that cause the symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress with positive images of the client’s choosing. Once the negative images have been replaced by positive ones, the triggers will be gone.

  • In A.R.T we use desensitization, calming eye movements and voluntary image replacement. Which means the problem is looked at as a scene. Then the eye movements serve as bilateral stimulation which aids in emotional processing. Finally using the clients positive imagery, the script of the problem is changed, creating positive outcomes and no more triggered negative reactions.

  • Sessions follow a script and are very directive, but allow for metaphorical creativity. This is helpful since often the client does not have to necessarily speak about the problem. Instead we allow the brain to process and replace the imagery, guided by the therapist. Often times, once the ART script is started it can be completed in one session.

  • A.R.T can help address:

    Anxiety, Depression, Phobias, Panic Attacks, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Post Traumatic Stress (PTS), Addictions/ Substance Abuse, Performance Anxiety, Family Issues, Victimization/Poor Self Image, Victimization/Sexual Abuse, Relationship Issues/Infidelity, Codependency, Grief, Job-Related Stress, Pain Management, Memory Enhancement, Dyslexia Anxiety, and more.

Accelerated Resolution Therapy

Keep the knowledge, lose the pain”

Laney Rosenzweig, LMFT, founder of Accelerated Resolution Therapy

Please know this:

Healing is possible.